CJBarnwell Lighting & Visual Media

"The scenic design and lighting are exemplary.... Andrew Mannion is credited with this masterpiece, and probably closely collaborated with C.J. Barnwell, who conceived the intense and masterful lighting that almost becomes a leading character in the script. Stunning lighting effects are frequent."

~ Jim Cavener, Asheville Citizen-Times
Brave New World: World Premiere - May 2016

"Mannion’s sterile, monotone scenic design is brilliant when its light panels are beaming in hot neons from CJ Barnwell’s stellar light show, especially in the techno music bits. And the dual ultra high-def video screens are fodder for vibrant optics and the best use of video/projection of any theatre in the area so far this season."

~ Sandy Staggs, CarolinaCurtainCall.com
Brave New World: World Premiere - May 2016


Brave New World

World Premiere

North Carolina
Stage Company
Asheville, NC
Spring 2016

Directed by
Thomas Caruso

Scenic Design
Andrew Manion

Lighting Design
CJ Barnwell

Video Design
CJ Barnwell
Andrew Manion

Costume Design
George Martinat

Images by:
Duncan Chaboudy
Ray Mata