CJBarnwell Lighting Design

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach - Lighting by CJ Barnwell

James and the Giant Peach
Flat Rock Playhouse
Hendersonville, NC
Spring 2016
Directed by
Dave Hart
Scenic Design
Chris Mueller
Lighting Design
CJ Barnwell
Costume Design
Ashli Arnold
Images by Treadshots.com